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4 Apr 2023

Beverly W

Feeling a tad frazzled and annoyed. How many more folk are in similar situations to this? My middle son called me half an hour ago, for a lift to work as he'd woken up late. Given I'd have to drive to where ever he slept last night, plus him knowing the car is currently out of use, I'm exasperated with him. There's no way I could jump up and run to his rescue like that in time for his work shift to start, as well as pay tunnel tolls in least 1 direction, plus petrol on top obviously. He told me last night his own car insurance was debited from his account despite requesting it not to be due to lack of funds, which has taken him £60 overdrawn (without an over draft facility). His own car has been having problems since a week after he bought it early March. He's had umpteen cars in the few years since passing his driving test back in 2019. Majority of them ended up scrapped. He currently owes me back £800 (I lent him for repairs totalling twice that on his last car) I had as a nest egg for when my rent increased which it undoubtedly will do, at some point unless I'm really lucky and it stays as it is. There's this amount along with the £350 or so he owes from a previous car he had repaired. He's worked since he was 13 as it is with nothing to really show for it except tooth decay from all the sweets and soft drinks he purchased as a school boy with a paper round.

Needless to say I turned him down over the lift. However I can't help but worry about his mental health. He also struggles with eczema and dyslexia, which has held him back in life at times, so I'm not sure the "turn 2 us" link I texted will mean anything to him.

Regardless of the practical help and emotional support, and as much as I love my son, there's no more pots of money left to help him out any more. He abused my hospitality for long enough whilst he lived under my roof as working adult. As a disabled person I have a little more money to fund the extra living costs there are from having limited mobility and managing a health condition. However there'll be even less to spare in light of the disability white paper proposals and that's a huge worry for me.

There's so much going wrong with this country right now. I'm not confident things look set to get any better. A recent article in the BBC news states Rishi Sunak says, new powers will help prevent pot holes. Forget corruption, cost of living crisis, missing billions, the NHS falling apart and all else in a mess, vote the Tories back in to local government and potholes will be fixed!!!???

Before long the government will be seeing to it we all have to worship them in order to eat. Life for the majority of us is hard and complicated. In my humble opinion the government are narrow minded, entitled and cruel. They don't understand these issues we face, nor do they care other than to force all of us into employment of any description by whatever means so that we become economic slaves to the system.

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Changing Realities (2023), Beverly W. https://changingrealities.org/e/2fYUX (04 Apr 2023)
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