I think this is an opportunity to follow on from the previous weeks question, I think this would be a great chance for the Cabinet to show respect and promote dignity when dealing with this subject. Especially in regards the families in hardship because in all fairness to the people involved, as someone who is classed as working poor, the factors which keep both myself and my family firmly in this category are mostly, not all, outwith my own control and yet the majority of the time when asked my opinion on these issues, I am made to feel somewhat inadequate in regards to my circumstances. A feeling I know more people than not have experienced.
But, to the other priorities. I believe the cause of poverty should be properly examined to best understand the complexities of the situation. With extra attention placed on the cost of living crisis, the aftermath of a global pandemic as well as the inflated rent market in the private sector of house lets/renting making it almost impossible to live adequately.
I believe the should have varied panels of parents carers, guardians teachers, yes many panels, from the most socially economically deprived areas nationwide as unfortunately the poverty situations vary from region to region and an overall blanket approach won't work if they are serious about combating this rising crisis.
And lastly, the previous point will ensure they are tackling the most important issues faced.