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9 Nov 2022

Marcie M

It feels like I am always making decisions with money at the forefront. There's what could be a really good opportunity for work, but trying to balance the logistics of childcare, pet care, train travel, and cost is making my head hurt. If I could know that it will cost £X to travel from place A to B, I could work it out. But the different prices at different times, and variables of where and when, plus the fact that a single error would mean all my carefully calculated costs would collapse and I'd end up paying twice as much, mean that I'm probably going to have to skip it. I know that this was the choice I made when I moved North so I could afford housing - getting to London is not as easy any more. But the system sucks. The cost of transporting a train passenger surely doesn't vary so much!


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Changing Realities (2023), Marcie M. https://changingrealities.org/e/4Kmy5 (09 Nov 2022)
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