I have not been able to go food shopping because I haven’t had the money and getting my ESA fortnightly by the time it goes back in my bank. I’m usually £150 overdrawn so most of my next payment gets eaten up by the vicious cycle that I’m stuck in unfortunately
Yesterday I was having an ASD burnout and could not get to the supermarket so I went to the local fish and chip shop which I haven’t been to in a long long time and I was absolutely shocked to see that a piece of cod now cost £10.20. I just think how the hell are people getting away with charging this much why is the government not addressing the cost of food? We should all be able to buy food if the government addressed these big greedy companies that are profiting from our circumstances
we could afford to buy food, I have had to go without meals the last two nights. I’ve eaten a bowl of cereal and fed my kids some scraps out of the cupboard. I really thought when I went to Parliament in June with the Trussell Trust and spoke to MPs that they would take this on board and realise the seriousness of the current situation that we are all facing but no we are now in November and I attended another meeting at Parliament explaining that 1.4 million food parcels have been given out in the last six months they just don’t get it or you hear well we need to get these sick people back to work and I said to them how do you get a sick person back to work when they’re too sick to go to work and then you could see their brain cogs wiring away! It’s absolutely shocking that we’ve got these people running our country. I thought conservatives were bad but labour just really don’t get it at all.