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12 May 2023

Izzy V

Have you had any financial support from your local council?

We were really lucky earlier this year, when I found out that because we live in Wales where many household's use heating oil, we were eligible for £200 towards our oil. This couldn't have come at a better time as we were struggling financially then. We were so grateful to be able to afford to heat the house as we rent & there had major issues with our boiler all winter as its really old. However about 6 weeks later, we discovered half our oil had been stolen (siphoned off) & had to report the theft to police and had to ask for family help to get our boiler going again, even though we'd had that help from the council. Its like a roller-coaster this ride called life, as a week or two later we got word our son is eligible for DLA for the next 4.5 years & the payment was backdated by around 3 months, we now also receive carers credit & disabled child element of UC as we claim 'in-work' benefits, which have also been backdated... it has been lovely to finally be able to treat our son sometimes & buy things we badly need (a duvet & pillow for his bed since his cot-bed on from age 4... he's now 8, a soft rug for his room to help with his sensory needs, a picture for his wall, some clothes & some work clothes for us as we hadn't bought many for years). I took up the work-coach offer from UC and they helped my confidence after a period of bullying at work and years of low pay... I now have a new job offer, am looking at term-time only & 4.5k more pay a year. Sometimes £200 support from your council during a tough winter is the butterfly effect that creates the ripple of change you need to feel like you matter & that's worth more than any £200.

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Changing Realities (2023), Izzy V. https://changingrealities.org/e/72gJk (12 May 2023)
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