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Diary entries cover a variety of topics, some of which you may find triggering. These topics include self-harm, suicide and domestic violence.
1 Mar 2023

Erik W

What are the little things that you do to make life feel that bit better?

Living on a very low income makes it extremely difficult, I do walk a lot partly to save money on travel but also for exercise. My main joy in life is spending time with my teenage daughter while she is still at home studying hard for her exams. I also have a keen interest in restoring old mechanical clocks which gives me great pleasure and takes my mind off other things that are going on in the world at large and my own life which can seem pretty dismal at the best of times.

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Changing Realities (2023), Erik W. https://changingrealities.org/e/AcQ8D (01 Mar 2023)
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