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31 Jan 2025

Katie B

What would a successful Child Poverty Strategy look like?

To me, a successful child poverty strategy would focus on the equitable treatment of children from birth to 18. It would include universal 15-hour and 30-hour childcare, free breakfast clubs, and school meals throughout education for all. It would ensure children are treated and counted equally in blended families and within the changing dynamics of families.

I’d like to see children entering further education (FE) not excluded from accessing apprenticeships or traineeships simply because it would remove child benefit, the child element, and housing entitlements from families already struggling. This is the epitome of the generational poverty trap and is such an easy fix.

I’d also like to see a public inquiry into the Child Maintenance Service and its errors, as well as the discrimination between children and the catastrophic damage it causes to parents.

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Changing Realities (2023), Katie B. https://changingrealities.org/e/B91hH (31 Jan 2025)
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