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16 Jul 2024

Gracie E

When I was a kid I really looked forward to the summer holidays but as an adult I'm dreading it.

Having to consider asking for a food bank voucher again to keep 3 hungry kids fed. With a toddler and and a pre teen and teenager having to think of things to do because staying home is far too expensive on gas and electric but going out costs money in fuel and expenses.

The change in my routine is going to hit me hard because I can't afford to keep my youngest at nursery for a morning a week in the holidays.

I received a text from PIP today (which I applied for in February and was turned down for, then requested a mandatory reconsideration) telling me that it would be at least 30/09/24 before my case was looked at. Despite sending all the evidence from all medical professionals and letters of diagnosis. So once again I've had to choose between spending the valuable money on food heating and essentials or to buy sensory aids to allow me to function effectively in society.

Anyways good luck for the holidays for anyone else who has anxiety levels like mine x


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Changing Realities (2023), Gracie E. https://changingrealities.org/e/BwnD2 (16 Jul 2024)
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