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2 Aug 2023

Dotty G

My Deep Fat Fryer has been an absolute god send during this 6 week holiday so far (although I know we are only 1 week in so far - but, it has been really useful for after school and half-term holidays too).

I say this because my 7 year old loves fast food, and there is a famous fast food restaurant very close to his school, which we visit sometimes.

The food there, though, has become super expensive over this cost of living crisis, which was why I decided to invest in a Deep Fat Fryer in the first place.

I tend to buy supermarket own brand chips, chicken nuggets, etc., fry it, and top it up with store brand condiments, and breakfast/lunch/dinner is served!

Best of all, I tend to always have a supply of chips, chicken nuggets, etc., in the freezer, so I never have to worry when my son fancies this type of meal, when it's about 9.00 o'clock at night, and having to travel to a Fast Food place for it, as I only have to go as far as my freezer for it, knowing that it will cost a fraction of the price!

I also never have to worry about having to buy extra portions of, say - chips at a fast food restaurant if my son runs out of them, because I often find that the fast food restaurant portions are often too small, whereas when I buy a big bag of store brand chips, for say £1, I can make my son several portions of chips from that one bag. It really is more economical.

I don't give my son fried food often, and do have an air fryer as well, because I know that they are a lot more healthier way of cooking food - but every now and then won't hurt, and keeps me happy knowing that my son is fed, and is happy for being fed too!


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Changing Realities (2023), Dotty G. https://changingrealities.org/e/D8B8j (02 Aug 2023)
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