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13 Jan 2023

Rudy G

(Single parent) Do you ever get any time for yourself?

I am a single mother and main care for my mother. She's 80 years old with dementia and my son six year old, he has special needs too.

Do you ever get any time for yourself? No, never, my son is six years old. I never have time for myself. I try to exercise and I try to walk into most of the places because my mother is demanding a lot of attention. My son has special needs too. He demanded a lot of attention and it's harder because I need to supply both necessities, both demanding. It's no time for me to do nothing. I'm happy with my responsibility. But sometimes I wish a little time to relax to watching a movie or do something, but not possible. But I don't feel sad or frustrating. I only feel sometimes a lot tried. Extremely tired. But I'm happy with my life, with my responsibility. It's my family. My family is three of us. And thank you God and thank you life for the family I have.

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Changing Realities (2023), Rudy G. https://changingrealities.org/e/LPL41 (13 Jan 2023)
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