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29 Nov 2024

Bessie J

how do you budget and what costs are the hardest to manage?

Christmas is the worst time of year for me financially.

I'm mature enough to know it's not essential, but the pressure from adverts on TV, media and radio is constantly bombarded at us.

I have a 5 yr old granddaughter, older daughter and son in law have high incomes. They do not emphasise with my situation of claiming benefits as a full time carer for my younger daughter.

There are many activities of visiting Santa's Grotto, pantomime, light shows and Xmas village with funfair, that are all expensive to visit.

As I cannot afford to take my grandchild and do not drive, they don't see me as worthy of spending quality time with my grandchild. They are always busy when I ask to see my grandchild. They invite my younger daughter to spend time as a family at Xmas but not me.

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Changing Realities (2023), Bessie J. https://changingrealities.org/e/R13M7 (29 Nov 2024)
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