The run up towards the festive break is usually quite eventful and often fairly challenging for me, especially being a single mum of two children.
I'd say the biggest challenge for me is usually financial especially being on benefits. Having to ensure that all the basics are met first, like there being enough gas, electric and food in the house to cover the festive period, and then afterwards ensuring that there is at least a little bit of money left over to buy presents for Xmas etc.
This Christmas I'll have some extra mouths to feed, as I'll be having 2 guests around this year so, it's things like ensuring that I've got enough facilities in the house to cater for them during their stay which has also been quite stressful to prepare for too.
Moreover, my house is very small, so basic things like storage of extra clothing, food etc can also add to the stress. of preparing for a decent Christmas at home, whilst keeping everyone entertained.
Still, it's only once a year I guess, so, I'll manage somehow- as always.