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21 Feb 2025

Mollie U

The government has a mission to improve opportunity - what does that mean to you?

We need an opportunity to participate in the same groups and clubs as my children's classmates. I feel like my kids are slipping behind with basic skills like swimming, learning languages, and being able to attend sports camps.

Clubs are too expensive and half term has crunched us financially. If we stay home, my mental health worsens - so we always try to go out if we can, but everything costs money. Even a walk to the park and a coffee cost over £12 - the price of everything is so expensive. There are no funded places at camps this break and therefore I don't have the option to place them somewhere with free lunches and ease the burden. We used to have a free lunch scheme during the half term period but even that has stopped. To give opportunities to children means treating them all equally despite gaps in income.

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Changing Realities (2023), Mollie U. https://changingrealities.org/e/TcYQR (21 Feb 2025)
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