Yes always used to use cash to budget. Put it in an envelope, especially when away. And that way you know you had your weekly money for going out. I have now fully changed to fully digitalized. Now I love internet banking, it's great. But the only thing with card is you
you can spend quite easily which is the only drawback for me.
Personally, I find card a lot easier. I struggle when some place is cash only because of finding cash machines and also concerts and taking cash out. Your card can affect your credit rating as well. I saw on one of the credit agency scoring apps which was surprising to me.
But no, I believe the world is going to go cashless. I think it will be easier for 90% of us. It's just those with learning difficulties, Etc. That I think having cash would be easier to physically see what do you have and what do you have left? That could be the only advantage of keeping cash, but as I said for majority, it would be easier having a cashless society. As always, it's that Minority and with disabilities - physical or hidden - will be the ones to suffer. Whichever way. We go as a country.