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18 May 2023

Beverly W

I know they say money makes the world go round but I find it rather sad when our focus morning noon and night always turns to our finances. Since recently having a smart meter fitted, my friend enjoys telling me how much he's saving on his spending. Firstly he's not hooked up for his gas supply as yet, although he prides himself as a single man living off approximately 40p per day on average for electric usage... I was flabbergasted by how low it was, but then he's no family to look after, he's on pre energy cost increase tariffs till winter 2023 and the likelihood is he's probably not washed anything in days!! Alarming I know but then so is the reminder we are being charged well over the amount we would have been paying pre April 2022!!!

Just to add some perspective on costs, our in house display shows usage at over a £1 before we've even got going with a morning cuppa?!


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Changing Realities (2023), Beverly W. https://changingrealities.org/e/XsiAk (18 May 2023)
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