Hi. I'm just answering the big question the week. Thanks very much. Yes, I do pay for things in cash at times and because it's hard to juggle the budget just using, what's in the bank because that can fluctuate so much. So cash for me is essential for me to keep a sort of a bit of a handle on my spending. It's really important.
And I do think that the government should require some companies to well, most companies to still receive cash as payment because for many of us on low budgets, it is the only way that we can manage what comes in and goes out of our house. And sometimes you know, one of the things that I find really problematic about paying with cash, is that for a lot of Trades and services you have to pay
With cash and that feels problematic to me but there we are. Anyway that's another story. But yeah, I feel like cash, it should be an option. I think that so many people would be shut out of getting any support If cash wasn't an option, you know, just getting by on a day-to-day basis.
Me and my son were out and there is a place where they only take card payments but I didn't have enough in my bank. I had 10 pounds and so I couldn't take my son in to climb, so that felt a bit problematic.