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12 Jan 2025

Beverly W

how are you navigating this cold snap?

I'm praying we all qualify for the £25 cold weather payment.

It's been bitterly cold all week.

We still have plenty of snow around on our pavements and green spaces even now, a week on from the second lot of heavy snow fall.

I've had to have the central heating on during the day as well as earlier on during the evenings which really goes against the grain for me these days.

Normally I persevere without the heating on during the day, by wearing a coat, or using a blanket.

I would only switch on the small electric fire for a short time or turn the boiler on if I were unwell.

It's so much harder to stay warm at home when you can't get up to move around.

Does the government realise this simple fact?

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Changing Realities (2023), Beverly W. https://changingrealities.org/e/Z91Db (12 Jan 2025)
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