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9 Jun 2023

Beverly W

What would like to say to MPs?

There's lots of things I'd like to ask my MP given half a chance.

Primarily why is the benefit system so hard to understand or navigate and when will DWP employees learn to be more helpful and kinder and treat the customer as equals?

MP's don't see or hear about half the things people are going through. I'm talking about good hearted law abiding decent hard working people doing their best, but who are often held back due to financial physical, psychological and emotional circumstances far beyond their control.

Take the benefits systems for instance. Why are they so difficult to deal with for the customer? That's even before conditionality or sanctions come into effect.

DWP staff go on courses to learn how to implement and administer these systems.

The average individual who claims them doesn't receive any of this training to understand the decision making process.

I myself, like many other service users, haven't a degree, yet you need one in order to understand what our rights to it are, or what we are deserving of or how to apply for it.

"Consumers" have got none of that training or support. That's why so many people give up at the first hurdle.

Not everyone knows to ask for help from outside agencies or organisations etc. Even when they do, help is limited slow and appointments are few and far between.

Furthermore, it's widely known health assessments are more legal tests than health assessments. I don't have a law degree. It was lucky I met someone who did have one and was willing to help me understand these processes and get me through them. How is that fair to people who don't have that access?

I have had to seek out a whole variety of support for navigating my own claims. More recently, this even involved signing up and paying for online training in how to advocate for myself when making a claim. We looked at case studies, were given statistics, completed tasks and discussed scenarios printed in two workbooks.

I'm a reasonably intelligent adult, I still don't really understand any of it.

All parents want is a steady income that meets the needs of modern family life and provides them some dignity. When will that happen?

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Changing Realities (2023), Beverly W. https://changingrealities.org/e/ZRfVo (09 Jun 2023)
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