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15 Sep 2023

Charles K

What would it mean for you and your family, if benefits didn’t increase in line with inflation in April?

I don't think benefits will rise in line with inflation. Unfortunately I'm on universal credit personal independent payment ela for my youngest daughter, also carers allowance and they rarely go up and when they do it's just a total of pounds on each.

It would have a massive effect if it doesn't increase slightly because of the cost of living with the gas and electric are now starting to find a pinch with the food bill. It's getting a lot more expensive now. I'm trying to eat more healthily, but unfortunately a bag of fries and chips is a lot cheaper than some fresh vegetables and making a proper meal. So hopefully it does increase and I'm all for you increase with inflation with pensioners, they've worked hard all their lives, they've put the money in, but it would be nice across the board if us disabled were also considered as well.

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Changing Realities (2023), Charles K. https://changingrealities.org/e/eLcJH (15 Sep 2023)
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