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17 Jul 2024

Bessie J

What do you want to see in the King's Speech?

I agree with some of the new policies announced in the king's speech today.

Nationalising the railways again.

Protection for renters and more housing to be built.

I agree with SNP that lifting the 2 child benefit cap should have been priority to lift children out of poverty.

I watched Keir Starmer, Angela Raynor and Rishi Sunak making small talk and laughing as if good friends after the ceremony.

I do not understand or trust politicians who fight against each other on what affects our lives yet are friendly out of Parliament.

How can Keir be ok with Rishi who made profits for his own billionaire family from UK taxes whilst the NHS is on its knees and so many still using food banks?

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Changing Realities (2023), Bessie J. https://changingrealities.org/e/fZJ81 (17 Jul 2024)
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