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28 Feb 2025

Jenny D

What are your experiences of trying to meet your children’s needs?

Okay, so my answer to this week's big question of what it's like to parent, a special needs child on a low budget. I think one of the, one of the things that's happened to us is that my child is unable to attend after school clubs. It's due to safeguarding. And that when he has a, if he has a meltdown and he runs out of the room, the teacher is often on their own and therefore, they can't manage the rest of the class and meet the needs of my child. So, unfortunately, there's been two after school clubs which he loved to go to. He loved being with his friends but he's no longer able to attend those. So that now means I have to put him in after school club which is an additional cost for me because I'm at work and can't pick him up straight from school. And I now need to do those activities outside of the school day, usually on a weekend. And I have to book an additional ticket for me to attend as his carer. So it's, yeah, I end up paying twice to do something. Yeah, there's also the food thing. My child has very specific foods that he will eat and yeah, you can't buy those on a budget. So I basically end up sacrificing, what I eat in order to meet his needs so that he gets to eat what he wants to eat.

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Changing Realities (2023), Jenny D. https://changingrealities.org/e/fwmLv (28 Feb 2025)
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