An apology to Bon Jovi!
🎶Stabbed through the heart
And you're to blame
Underwired bras
Are bad things!🎶
Nothing tells you more that you are skint and living in poverty than the fact that you're sat on the sofa mending your 3 bras that all went 'twang!' at the same time and because of your cleavage requirement, you need a specific size to fit well but you cannot afford to buy any more. All that whilst sitting in a cold house running at 13 degrees C whilst watching "The Handmaid's Tale" on Amazon Prime. Whilst we are not living in in the fictional country of Gilead, we might as well be as poverty disproportionately affect disabled lone female parents than any other groups. The only reason it could be worse would be if I didn't have the privilege of being educated, white and a fluent English-speaker. As a benefit claimant, I may get the disrespect, but at least I don't have to cope with hate and racism on top. For that I need to count my blessings.