I would like to not have to worry about money. My children would have good-quality food—not from food banks.
I would like to not have to worry about my Universal Credit being sanctioned, and I’d like my individual circumstances to be assessed as just that—individual—not as a one-size-fits-all formula. I would like to be seen as a working single mum with no family support, who needs help with affordable childcare because I’m not working just to pay for childcare while missing out on seeing my children grow. Holiday clubs should be open longer and be more affordable. There needs to be more support for older kids. As soon as my son turned 16, he was stripped of child benefit and the Scottish Child Payment, which, for someone already struggling, was a huge loss. My 16-year-old eats so much food—more than me and my youngest combined—yet I have no money to feed him properly.
The government needs to understand that, personally, I want to be around for my children and see them grow, rather than work and become a statistic. When my time is up, I don’t want my children to think, “Mum was never home; she was always working.” I do work, but my children come first. There needs to be easier systems for getting help with children who have disabilities. Free school meals should be available to every child in school. As they get older, they eat more, so why stop it in P5? That has always baffled me.
I would even be happy if single parents received more money and kept receipts to show the government what they used the money for. If it’s used for things like food, clothes, nappies, etc., then that’s great. However, if there are people out there who abuse the help (by buying drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, etc., and can’t prove where their money went), then they should face deductions.
Honestly, 17 years ago, if I had known this was the position I was going to be in, I probably wouldn’t have had children. I’ve actually told my 17-year-old son about the struggles because I don’t want him bringing life into this world without having a really good job. He wants to go into pharmacy, but everywhere, the world has gotten worse.