I feel excited for the new year - I’ve finally moved house after procrastinating for a very long time. I needed to downsize financially as my financial outgoings significantly outweighed my income and I had used all my savings. My mortgage has decreased from nearly £1000 per month to a more manageable £205. I feel an immense sense of relief. I love the new house and am enjoying nesting during these slow winter days. Money is still incredibly tight but I have a small amount of savings again so we could survive a minor hiccup now! I’m hoping to qualify as a therapist this year and therefore improve my earning capacity. I do have a little anxiety around my energy usage though? We’ve had the heating on a lot and I’ve absolutely no idea how much my energy bills are going to be. Without being on a smart meter I might have to wait several weeks to get an idea so I can update my budget with an actual figure rather than a guesstimate. I’m starting 2025 with a huge weight lifted off my shoulders and full of gratitude. Let’s see what the future holds….