It's soooooooo cold. Currently we are sleeping in one bed to stay warm. Layering up in the day time but we have had to put on the heating to try and combat the black mould. The pre payment meter seems to be like a ticking time bomb ready to go off. Without a thermostat were either on or off and when I turn it off it cost a fortune to heat it up again
I'm so grateful nursery is still open because at least my youngest is warm there for a few hours. I cannot wait until warmer days. Having to cut back on food shops , driving journeys for fuel and general day to day cost to be able to top up these pre payment meters. Also the government cold payments aren't kicking in in my area because it keeps popping up above 0 then back down the day after and I think it needs to be 0 for 7 consecutive days
Fingers crossed this snow and Ice disappears soon.