Luck or insight ? As Changing Realities moves forward, they are going to have some focus on mental health. This has come at an opportune moment as a story run by the Telegraph States: “Long-term sick could face cuts of £5K a year in benefits crackdown".
Labour Ministers are planning to overhaul the benefits system, sickness benefit claimants could be forced to work, have benefits including PIP cut.
An analysis last year claimed that some sickness benefits are worth more than the minimum wage. This is certainly not the case in my opinion as a single parent, father to a daughter. For a number of years I was living on sickness benefits alone as a single person plus child benefit, with no other help or support of any form.
It is possible for the DWP to take overpayments straight from claimants' benefits, but there is no way for people like myself to recover possibly thousands of pounds in benefits that I should have been entitled to over the years, but was not informed or aware that I could be claiming.
Any further cuts to disability / sickness benefits will have a disastrous effect on millions of people who are already struggling to live a healthy lifestyle, ultimately leading to further physical and mental health problems. Genuine claimants need to be treated with dignity and respect, with all the help needed to ensure a reasonable life.