I feel soo stressed and tired emotionally. There is increased pressure on finances and am looking for another part time time to make ends meet
I would like to have a life without stress of money and fear that I will fall into debt and fail to provide for my children
I just watched Nanda speak on Channel 5 news about Free School Meals. Heart breaking to see how the impact of these cuts will affect families with young children.
Still very stressed about migration to Universal Credit.
Tried my best to explain it to my teenage daughter with autism.
She says she is now stressed. She says it's not fair and won't discuss anymore. I have nobody to reassure me we will be ok.
As if itβs not enough cost with back to school shops new clothes shoes etc, now we have to get a circus outfit for the first week back and school trips are soon to follow just feel like it never ends, and yeah I could not get a circus outfit but then my child will always be the one thatβs always without
What a week. My 2 back to school. My youngest is in his last year of primary school and my oldest is in her last year of her GCSEs. Very emotional times. I feel for my youngest as he is sitting a test in November called the transfer test to determine if he gets into a grammar school. He is very capable but in his old school he was constantly misunderstood and suspended missing weeks and weeks of his education and stripping him of his right to learn and be taught. He has now been officially diagnosed so all the time the old school shouted at him and punished him for not being able to stand still or stand in line was actually due to an underlying issue.
So far I've spent 146 on back to school things as my son is in men's shoes and is in 2 years ahead of his age so I'm buying from vinted his school trousers and tops, and second hand school uniform, also his standard pencils and pens as he's got art he's had to have certain pencils which is extra cost. And his dad refuses to help me with the cost of his coat.
Bought all my son's uniform had to wait for the sales to come on though, just can't afford a winter coat for my son as the prices are unaffordable 160 for a branded coat so my son doesn't get bullied as he's in high school how ridiculous is this world we live in.
Distraught! The holidays came and went and I was stuck here with a very active four year old girl who I'm nowhere able to entertain or take to the park due to disability. A friend had offers to take us along for a change of scenery but because we are waiting for the council to find us accommodation, we could not go anywhere as the caseworker said we would lose our place in the housing queue and of we were not able to come and view withing 2days- it would be offered to the next person. But hereβs us holidays over, still zero offers and have had it up to here with cabin fever. This is beyond sad and infuriating. But of course being a single mom, I'm expected to dust myself off and carry on for the sake of my child who by the way will be starting Primary one. What to do??
So many rising costs. Cost of uniform, cost of taxis for my son as SEN taxis donβt operate in August but yet my son is due back to school in August, just money, money, money.
Fed up of being poor
Last day of the summer term at school. It's always a feeling of joy and happiness that I get to spend time with my children.
The question in my house hold has come forth where are we going on holiday this year mummy?.
It's very difficult to say we will not be able to have a holiday anywhere because of the expenses and very little savings we have.
Nevertheless we will try and make most of the days out and time together.