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5 Jun 2023

Victoria S

How does the benefit system handle changes of circumstance?

Having to change circumstances is a scary process, you never know if they're gonna stop your benefits or not, especially PIP, I've heard loads of stories of people being forced to reapply when they report a change in circumstances.

I've got an upcoming change in circumstances at the end of the month, it'll mean changing address, probably twice cos I'll be homeless for a while, I hope not long, and a reduction in my benefits of nearly £500. I'm lucky to have support from a local charity who's going to handle those phone calls for me and help me set up bills because I'm gonna be emotionally strained at the time, my mental health won't handle being homeless very well (triggers flashbacks of being homeless as a teen and sharing rooms in hostels with people taking drugs, drinking alcohol and violent - not to misunderstand I meant some amazing people when I was homeless and most turned to drugs or alcohol to cope with being homeless, most also protected me in my youth from copying them and I was only homeless for a few months but it was still very scary experience to have). I have to go through that again as an adult through no fault of my own but cos I was put in temporary accommodation which isn't a real contract but a licence meaning they only have to give 24 hour notice but gave a months, I'm bidding on homes but there's been nothing to bid on since early May, it's scary. Anyway, so I know I'll be at risk of mental health decline, I have a housing officer at local council who's trying to help me find a home there, I've local charity supporting and trying to push getting me a place, but can't give what's not there to give. So right now I feel homelessness, I fear loosing my benefits and I fear the uncertainty I face. Benefits are seldom straightforward and they often look for excuses to screw us over and we can't trust benefits services to be there when we absolutely need them, that's when they're most likely to screw us.

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30 Jan 2023

Beverly W

Alcohol at home? Some might say the government are doing us a favour. There used to be a time, when going out for a drink was considered a relative luxury for people. In fact it's common knowledge its much cheaper to drink at home. Now, given the cost of supermarket groceries even having an occasional drink at home is a luxury. My children are older and I enjoy the occasional glass of wine with an evening meal. Goodness knows I don't drink alcohol often but when I do, it reminds me I'm deserving of being allowed an occasional treat as a human being. Even on the majority of budgeting forms I've ever completed, there is a section that asks 'how much do you spend each week on alcohol'? I'm always astounded that its taken for granted its a weekly amount. I never truly buy regular quantities of alcohol, even so, lately I'm feeling really deprived of the little bit I do enjoy. I'm convinced the government seems hell bent on dehumanising lower income families by depriving them in every way they can.

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