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9 Sep 2023

Ed I

Do you think the cost-of-living crisis is over?

That is media propaganda. Living cost crisis are not over yet as millions of people are struggling to end meet. It is true that some basic food prices have gone down but still too high for millions. Petrol prices still not reached to previous level. Interest rate and inflation are still high. So how we say that living cost crisis are over?

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8 Sep 2023

Sal B

Do you think the cost-of-living crisis is over?

Not even started to become over – how on earth are people saying that it is? If anything, for me, it's getting harder. I am trying to find a new place to live because my landlord is selling and like half of my town we're struggling. I don't earn or know anyone who earns 35x the rent!

Food is still massively over priced and still not able to buy a decent amount, just barely scraping by. Energy may have gone down but is still going to be extremely hard after the snow starts to come and its causing anxiety and panic, clothes are still so expensive that school uniform is still being brought due to how expensive it is and the fact we don't have enough to get it because we have no help.

Bills are still rising and debts still are outstanding for everyone I know! It's nowhere near over, if anything, it's got a small bit worse because not enough help has been given in the first place, and if the media is saying it's over then there's no way we will be ok. Inflation may be dropping but interest rates are still constantly going up and up, yet benefits are going down or being made harder to acquire when in need. We're all still skipping meals and going without so how is it over? The media should be ashamed and the government need to help not slip it under the rug.

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8 Sep 2023

Charles K

Do you think the cost-of-living crisis is over?

No, I don't honestly think the cost of living crisis is over, the price of food and slightly petrol seems to still be sort of raising. It's not very steady, it's not very stable and obviously my bank now has decided I've got an online bank, online only bank. And they used to pay interest each month, few pennies. But now they've changed their way they do things and you now have to have a set minimum amount of money in that account before they pay interest. It just seems everyone is trying to penny pinch, even the major corporations. So no, it's not over by far.

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22 Jun 2023

Beverly W

I'm getting tired of seeing reading or hearing the news.

Interest rates are a hot topic... Wish they would all just quit their jobs in parliament.

The only achievement in years of this government, is ruining people's lives.

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15 May 2023


I wanted to note something important that has happened this week and which I tried to fit in to the Big Question of the Week (even though it wasn't directly relevant).

My private landlord has renewed my tenancy for another year. This has been playing on my mind as it does every year - but this year has been different. There are fewer places to rent. I need 3 bedrooms but was only able to get a 2 bed in July 2020, when I separated. Apart from the missing bedroom (the girls have a bedroom each, my lounge is our dining room and my bedroom, and where I work from home) the flat is ideal as only 10m walk from school and near shops and my work office.

There are other 2-bed flats around, in the same block of flats, and area - but they are going for up to £300pcm MORE than I am paying. So if the landlord had not renewed I don't know what I would have done.

Also, the tenancy agreement allows for a rent increase to match inflation if renewed. This would be a 10% increase on a budget I am just managing.

The landlord, for some reason I will never understand, has not increased the rent. I've been quiet all week from telling anyone because I honestly thought it was a mistake - but the hard copy came through today and no change.

The April benefit increase in my UC will take effect from my payment in June - and I will actually see the benefit of this. It wont be taken up with rent.

I am chuffed to bits that I got the renewal and obviously with no increase in rent. I will be able to pay the kids more pocket money now so they can go out with their mates in the summer vacation.

I needed to share this.

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15 May 2023


Have you had any financial support from your local council?

Hi - no I have not had any support from my local council.

I am aware of the scheme and its eligibility rules and although I am a lone parent on UC, I am in full time work and have not felt that I needed to access these funds.

I am compromised by the benefits system as only in Feb this year has my local housing allowance (for 3 bedrooms) matched my actual rent (for a 2 bed flat). So I am actually over-occupying and have done for 3 years but it has taken all that time to get the housing cost to match with the rent - and this only happened because one daughter turned 16. And I think I could have applied to the council for help with this, but I didn't.

I cannot afford a bigger property that would suit my and my daughter's needs, but I can just afford this place. And I would not want that to change. The council support (if I had gone for it and got it) would have been temporary and not a solution.

We are happy here, and I have just had the tenancy renewed for another year. And for reasons I will never understand in a 10% inflation world, the landlord did not increase the rent. I am chuffed to bits.

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7 Nov 2022

Jenny D

The latest jump in interest rate to 3% means my mortgage going up again - I have a part tracker and part fixed rate which ends next year. I’m still waiting for the letter to tell me exactly how much but this news cements the fact that my only option to keep my head above water, financially is to sell up and downsize to a smaller property. My 2 biggest outgoings by far are my mortgage payment and energy costs. Seeing these rise at an alarming rate this last year is causing me so much anxiety. I’m studying part-time in order to change career and work 3.5 days a week. I can’t fit in any more hours to potentially increase my income. I’m exhausted as it is. What keeps me going is the hope that this situation is just temporary and that once I have gained my qualification, in 2 years time, my earning potential will improve. I had hoped that when I set out on this path, that I would be able to survive financially for the duration of my course but unfortunately I have no choice but to go through the upheaval of moving and making my son leave the only home he has known. I appreciate that, I’m in a more fortunate position than most, due to equity in my home, that I have this option available to me. I’m a hard working single mum just trying to make a better life for me and my boy.

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