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5 Jun 2023

Beverly W

How does the benefit system handle changes of circumstance?

Specifically with the DWP, I personally dread the process of a change in circumstances no matter whether positive or otherwise. It's always a time of uncertainty, worrying how it will impact our finances. Also there's always the possibility any changes in my health will trigger another assessment which would be a real inconvenience to us. I worry it would be like starting all over again from scratch or it could take months to complete as I believe they are so far behind with claims.

Likewise the local authority has to be notified of changes in status or circumstances. I particularly feel the phrasing they both use to get their message across implies threat or significant consequences for not doing so urgently. i.e. "You must tell us immediately"....

Last year we moved house so I anticipated a bumpy ride in respect of my details needing to be verified or changes in payments. It's like throwing stone on a pond some create ripples some can turn to waves or some even turn into a tsunami depending on how dramatic the changes are.

I do remember feeling as though the DWP didn't believe me when they needed to ask for further documents to prove I was living here. How a tenancy agreement wasn't good enough proof, I just can't imagine, but they wanted more information and when you've only just moved house you're not necessarily going to have that to hand. It took time to change utility bills or update my bank account with the new address which especially in the days of paperless bills can take time to process. I mean it was enough of a mess switching energy companies, in order to have gas and electric supplies set up with my preferred supplier. Then internet and water utilities, never mind satisfying the DWP further than I had already tried to.

Not as though we can predict our futures, however, I personally prefer to avoid changes in circumstances at all costs.

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20 May 2023


What is your experience of switching benefits?

I have to say I was forced to change from Income Support to Universal Credit, I presumed it would be easy but I was unaware of the pitfalls as someone who has disabilities it was a nightmare. The application was easy, or so I thought, I took out the up front payment as I was aware it can take up to 5 weeks to get your first payment, I didn't realise my first payment didn't even cover my rent. I had to ask a friend to help me out to pay my rent and also relied on her to help me with food etc until my next payment, I then realised the amount of mistakes they make. It then snowballed for me as my payments were all over the place as they kept sending me messages saying they had calculated my benefit wrong and had that going on for 3 months, was also explained that the disabilities element was no added to my claim as it was not the correct disability benefit I got on income support. I then had to apply for limited capacity for work related benefits this took 3 periods of UC and due to the whole being paid in arrears on UC took 4 months and this also was not back paid as they were legally aloud to not have to back pay this benefit, I think in total it took about 6 month for my UC to sort it self out but now it is sorted but I moved in with my partner and found out to my dismay they refused to pay my previous property rent as I told this this was unfair as UC is paid in arrears but they said it was not there fault it's the way UC works so have been left with a debt with my previous landlord for £200 so I was annoyed about that. It feels UC does not care about people's circumstances and also UC punishes you if you don't adhere to what you signed when you started UC I didn't advise a change in my circumstances, I was one day late and I got a letter saying I breached my UC agreement and they threatened me with a charge of £50 as punishment unless I explained why I was one day late. All in all be careful when you switch over and check everything.

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18 May 2023

Roxy N

Really fed up with the cost of living, bills food everything is so unaffordable, debts piling up just so I can pay for school dinners/ packed lunch, no end in sight just more cost increases, £215 a month on gas and electricity payments and that’s through summer too, on a budget plan. Then to top it off council relooked at my housing benefit for 2020 but as it was covid they didn’t contact me, so have decided the cost of living crisis is the time to contact and tell me they decided they overpaid me so I have to pay it back, and I have 3 days to pay or set up a payment plan or they will go to my work for attachment of earnings order! With 3 days notice of it all! What a joke.

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15 Mar 2023

Tori J

I've had nothing but threats of a fine from school. I got an attendance fine threat after 2 days off physically ill. Same month we’re warned about my child's fever, they have 2 days off and I’m threatened with a fine. This is a child who’s waiting for dual assessments. Waiting for a speech and language assessment.

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