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31 Mar 2023

Lili K

What’s your relationship with paid employment?

I wish I was able to get and keep paid employment. I would love to be a wage earner again and be able to provide a better standard of living for myself and my family. Unfortunately having BiPolar made that impossible for me when I took a pharmacological cocktail of mood stabilizers, anti psychotics, antidepressants, sedatives and sleeping tablets. Now I am not taking any medication, I experience mood swings much faster, more frequently, more intensely and painfully than ever before and this is also not conducive to turning up for work every day.

My ideal job would be paid fairly but not excessively, it would challenge me and require me to continue my learning, allow me to work mostly from home and permit frequent time off when I was ill with no notice or explanation ever required. I would like occasional (optional) travel opportunities, friendly, fun colleagues and a chilled boss. Most importantly I would have to feel valued, that what I was contributing was worthwhile and complied with the Buddha’s teaching of Right Livelihood.

If you know of any vacancies which fit the criteria please tell me ;)

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Changing Realities (2023), Lili K. https://changingrealities.org/e/d8719 (31 Mar 2023)
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