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17 Jul 2024

Dotty G

I really welcome the news that the Labour Government are setting up a task force in order to help tackle child poverty.

I think it really is a step in the right direction.

Let's hope though that they do stick with their plans and follow them through.

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17 Jul 2024

Bessie J

What do you want to see in the King's Speech?

I agree with some of the new policies announced in the king's speech today.

Nationalising the railways again.

Protection for renters and more housing to be built.

I agree with SNP that lifting the 2 child benefit cap should have been priority to lift children out of poverty.

I watched Keir Starmer, Angela Raynor and Rishi Sunak making small talk and laughing as if good friends after the ceremony.

I do not understand or trust politicians who fight against each other on what affects our lives yet are friendly out of Parliament.

How can Keir be ok with Rishi who made profits for his own billionaire family from UK taxes whilst the NHS is on its knees and so many still using food banks?

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17 Jul 2024

Annie W

What do you want to see in the King's Speech?

I feel the main issue most of us have is the cost of living. Food isn’t decreasing in price and it’s costing more and more to feed my family. Within this I think free school meals needs looking at for all ages and regardless of parents income. Even on more than min wage is still difficult to afford everything with how much everything has gone up.

I think funding for schools should be looked at also. As my school in particular do a lot of activities to raise funds and when they go on trips there is no change in cost if I was to take my child there myself, (I would assume you get discount for school trips).

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17 Jul 2024

Meg K

I'm dreading the 6 weeks holls any1 else I have 3 kids 1 on way my 2 older ones eats us out house thankfully we get the school free dinner vouchers not a lot but it all helps thankfully x

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16 Jul 2024

Ana Q

What do you want to see in the King's Speech?

I feel like there are many big problems that need to be tackled, many of which which the King needs to address.

He needs to address the cost of living crisis which is affecting most people and their families, who are suffering - if he doesn't, it shows that he is really not with the people. They focus on improving the community as a whole, but really they are not helping individual families as they should.

The jobs nowadays are not paying well or are only paying minimum wage, so many young people don't have good career prospects. They need to do something about that.

Even the environmental crisis is something that needs to be taken seriously.

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16 Jul 2024

Ed I

What do you want to see in the King's Speech?

I would like to see real priorities addressed in the King's speech. Plans on how to tackle with the cost of living crisis and inflation, the aftermath of the previous government. I want to see that they are confident in providing the correct wages for jobs such as doctors, to make the youth of today be able to have an ambitious and sustainable future.

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16 Jul 2024

Gracie E

When I was a kid I really looked forward to the summer holidays but as an adult I'm dreading it.

Having to consider asking for a food bank voucher again to keep 3 hungry kids fed. With a toddler and and a pre teen and teenager having to think of things to do because staying home is far too expensive on gas and electric but going out costs money in fuel and expenses.

The change in my routine is going to hit me hard because I can't afford to keep my youngest at nursery for a morning a week in the holidays.

I received a text from PIP today (which I applied for in February and was turned down for, then requested a mandatory reconsideration) telling me that it would be at least 30/09/24 before my case was looked at. Despite sending all the evidence from all medical professionals and letters of diagnosis. So once again I've had to choose between spending the valuable money on food heating and essentials or to buy sensory aids to allow me to function effectively in society.

Anyways good luck for the holidays for anyone else who has anxiety levels like mine x

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15 Jul 2024

Bessie J

Just watched Panorama which was about child poverty in the UK and how it affects their health.

Lack of NHS dentists are affecting children from a young age. Schools and nurseries are providing tooth brushing in the class.

All the families interviewed were single mothers who were in poverty due to the 2 child benefit policy, introduced by the Conservatives in 2017, which only allows benefits of Tax Credits and Universal Credit for first 2 children. None of the mothers received support from the fathers of their children. They all struggled with their mental health. Not feeling good enough as a parent. All wanting to make life pleasant as possible for their children, who don't get much and why they often give in and buy takeaways as a treat.

A professor of health and equity was interviewed . He mentioned that poorer families were deliberately targeted and punished by the UK Gov for having more than 2 children. It is clear discrimination and cruel.

Keir Starmer was asked if he would drop the 2 child benefit cap. He said the UK Gov cannot afford to do this at present.

Politicians claiming back expenses for luxury lunches and drinks for bars in Westminster is affordable.

Politicians being paid £90,000 per year salary in top of their income from businesses they own and shares in large corporations, is affordable.

What Keir Starmer is not saying is , wealthy adults who avoid their taxes are more deserving of tax payers money than children.

I was aware of Kier Starmer intentions to keep Conservative policies that keeps children in poverty.

Is Keir Starmer really the better choice as Prime Minister?

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15 Jul 2024

Aurora T

What do you want to see in the King's Speech?

I would like to see the King address the housing situation. There is a shortage of affordable housing and social housing which greatly impacts many people’s lives. Not only this but rent has increased significantly and I would like something to be done about that. I would like to see what can be done so people don’t have to resort to food banks. There should be other initiatives. I would like to see something put in place for children in poverty. There’s so much that can be said, but we must remember it is up to the government to address this.

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15 Jul 2024

Sadie Q

What do you want to see in the King's Speech?

Hi thanks for the Big Question

I would like the Kings speech to include …. Better living standards for families, children and vulnerable people trying to survive in a low income. Make Britain a better place to live in.

Thank you

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13 Jul 2024

Mollie U

What do you want to see in the King's Speech?

It would be great to see a clear vision delivered on how the new government intends on supporting children who might easily slip through the net - for example those in a diagnostic process and requiring an EHCP for school. At the moment everything feels like an uphill battle with my daughter who needs support but I often feel her needs are neglected because we live in a society which 'over diagnoses' conditions such as Autism and ADHD. Can this new government protect those most vulnerable?

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13 Jul 2024

Erik W

What do you want to see in the King's Speech?

Apart from wishing me a happy birthday😂 I would like to hear him announce that more help is going to be given to the NHS to tackle backlogs and waiting times, especially when it comes to young peoples mental health. Also to set firm plans for the government to level up society between the rich and poor, so that no person or family living in this country has to live day by day worrying about how to afford basic items, such as food, utility bills, warm clothing and essential school items (books, uniform, meals and trips).

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