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1 Sep 2023

Sadie P

There’s a sadness to the end of the summer holidays approaching - which is odd really because I haven’t loved them. In fact, the sadness comes from my guilt at not having facilitated non-stop fun and activities throughout. We’ve managed a couple of days away (to a soggy coast) but generally we’ve been at home, whilst I’ve worked and the kids have entertained themselves. The pretty rubbish weather hasn’t forced me to spend on expensive activities inside so we have endured “pandemic, stay at home vibes” and done what we do best. Now in reflection I’m questioning if I should have done more…but I’m one person and I’m so tired!!! Maybe next summer will be different?

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30 Aug 2023

Annie W

The summer holidays is nearly over. It’s been a tough one on entertaining 3 children. Wish I could have done more for them but hopefully next year I’ll be able to, even if that means planning a few months in advance.

But I feel optimistic about the future, surely it can only get better.

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20 Aug 2023

Meg K

How are you feeling about the new school year?

Cant wait for them go back to school. I find 6 weeks is too long.

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19 Aug 2023

Precious D

How are you feeling about the new school year?

You have to do a lot of budgeting both for summer holidays and new academic year.

Holidays/break from normal routines and environment is good for everyone's mental health - particularly if you are a single parent with low income, etc.

You want your children to have fun during holidays too and so you plan a holiday getaway (a budget one with almost no meals out). After you are back from your summer break, you make a list of things for the new academic year - uniforms, shoes, etc. Yes, all this can make you stressed and worried.

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18 Aug 2023

Edison P

What new beginnings are you looking forward to?

I am looking forward to some routine now that our children here in Scotland are back to school.

Not having to worry about my daughter being fed during the day and how I am going to keep her entertained now the summer holidays are over.

I feel selfish even thinking this way but life is just so hard.

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5 Aug 2023

Meg K

What new beginnings are you looking forward to?

Spending time with family over summer holidays – not having to rush about.

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5 Aug 2023

Meg K

Well, having both my kids off school, plus 1-yr old eating us out has been a nightmare. Don't get me wrong, love my kids to bits but all I hear is "I'm hungry, can I have a snack?" Any ideas, guys, plz? Anyway, we're still waiting on the house getting sorted – what a nightmare. Been here 5 months and still waiting for plasterers to come since we moved in.

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4 Aug 2023

Sophia V

Dear Diary,

It's been a while since I last shared my thoughts.

Life has been busy, summer holidays are in full swing and every day seems like a challenge and adventure.

I am definitely spending more on, not only food, but arts and crafts, days out, travel, snacks and new clothes. Not to forget the new uniform for the end of the summer.

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2 Aug 2023

Dotty G

My Deep Fat Fryer has been an absolute god send during this 6 week holiday so far (although I know we are only 1 week in so far - but, it has been really useful for after school and half-term holidays too).

I say this because my 7 year old loves fast food, and there is a famous fast food restaurant very close to his school, which we visit sometimes.

The food there, though, has become super expensive over this cost of living crisis, which was why I decided to invest in a Deep Fat Fryer in the first place.

I tend to buy supermarket own brand chips, chicken nuggets, etc., fry it, and top it up with store brand condiments, and breakfast/lunch/dinner is served!

Best of all, I tend to always have a supply of chips, chicken nuggets, etc., in the freezer, so I never have to worry when my son fancies this type of meal, when it's about 9.00 o'clock at night, and having to travel to a Fast Food place for it, as I only have to go as far as my freezer for it, knowing that it will cost a fraction of the price!

I also never have to worry about having to buy extra portions of, say - chips at a fast food restaurant if my son runs out of them, because I often find that the fast food restaurant portions are often too small, whereas when I buy a big bag of store brand chips, for say £1, I can make my son several portions of chips from that one bag. It really is more economical.

I don't give my son fried food often, and do have an air fryer as well, because I know that they are a lot more healthier way of cooking food - but every now and then won't hurt, and keeps me happy knowing that my son is fed, and is happy for being fed too!

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25 Jul 2023

Roxy N

Summer holidays

I feel really bad about the summer holidays just because we can't afford to do anything. We can't afford to go anywhere. It's just going to be a really difficult summer holidays and there's nothing else to say about it. I don't know how me and my child will make it through the summer holidays and that's it, really just scared.

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24 Jul 2023

Jen T

Summer holidays

I dread the summer holidays, where do we go? What do we do? What do we eat? All money and extra expenses. Yes there are things to do for free but what about food and extra electric and heating. The worries are unreal.

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23 Jul 2023


Summer holidays

We have just broken up this weekend...and its raining!

In a way that is a relief because you do not need to go out anywhere and spend money. An ice-cream from the supermarket is much cheaper than from the kiosk at the coast. Not as much fun but at least I made good on my promise for an ice-cream.

Rainy days are not so bad - they are cheaper as I have things to keep the girls occupied.

Its when its sunny that I know this cost me more. They are of an age where they will go out with their mates and how can I refuse them the money to do this, especially as their friend's parents are not on benefits and money is less of a concern for them. I suppose they may also be being hit by the mortgage increases but I don't think that hits as hard if you are earning enough not to be on benefits.

I have tried planning all year for this break - we are not going away - but to save to buy treats. However, the cost of living crisis just eats away at a lot of what I intended to save. So there is less to go around.

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