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31 Jan 2025

Hope O

What would a successful Child Poverty Strategy look like?

I would like to not have to worry about money. My children would have good-quality food—not from food banks.

I would like to not have to worry about my Universal Credit being sanctioned, and I’d like my individual circumstances to be assessed as just that—individual—not as a one-size-fits-all formula. I would like to be seen as a working single mum with no family support, who needs help with affordable childcare because I’m not working just to pay for childcare while missing out on seeing my children grow. Holiday clubs should be open longer and be more affordable. There needs to be more support for older kids. As soon as my son turned 16, he was stripped of child benefit and the Scottish Child Payment, which, for someone already struggling, was a huge loss. My 16-year-old eats so much food—more than me and my youngest combined—yet I have no money to feed him properly.

The government needs to understand that, personally, I want to be around for my children and see them grow, rather than work and become a statistic. When my time is up, I don’t want my children to think, “Mum was never home; she was always working.” I do work, but my children come first. There needs to be easier systems for getting help with children who have disabilities. Free school meals should be available to every child in school. As they get older, they eat more, so why stop it in P5? That has always baffled me.

I would even be happy if single parents received more money and kept receipts to show the government what they used the money for. If it’s used for things like food, clothes, nappies, etc., then that’s great. However, if there are people out there who abuse the help (by buying drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, etc., and can’t prove where their money went), then they should face deductions.

Honestly, 17 years ago, if I had known this was the position I was going to be in, I probably wouldn’t have had children. I’ve actually told my 17-year-old son about the struggles because I don’t want him bringing life into this world without having a really good job. He wants to go into pharmacy, but everywhere, the world has gotten worse.

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31 Jan 2025

Katie B

What would a successful Child Poverty Strategy look like?

To me, a successful child poverty strategy would focus on the equitable treatment of children from birth to 18. It would include universal 15-hour and 30-hour childcare, free breakfast clubs, and school meals throughout education for all. It would ensure children are treated and counted equally in blended families and within the changing dynamics of families.

I’d like to see children entering further education (FE) not excluded from accessing apprenticeships or traineeships simply because it would remove child benefit, the child element, and housing entitlements from families already struggling. This is the epitome of the generational poverty trap and is such an easy fix.

I’d also like to see a public inquiry into the Child Maintenance Service and its errors, as well as the discrimination between children and the catastrophic damage it causes to parents.

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31 Jan 2025

Ozzy U

What would a successful Child Poverty Strategy look like?

I think:

— The government has to create more jobs to help families increase their incomes.

— Increase benefits for children.

— Provide houses and subsidies for families to reduce the child poverty.

— Bring down living costs for families

These will help to reduce poverty in families.

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31 Jan 2025

Zara W

What would a successful Child Poverty Strategy look like?

To know what strategies help to reduce child poverty we have to study the factors that keep families in poverty, such as the immediate needs of children and long-term needs of children.

In my opinion, we can adress children poverty with these strategies:

1. Increase child benefits and ensure that all families receive this benefit equally.

2. Increase free childcare and nurseries to help families work or study.

3. Provide free school meals, uniforms, transport, etc.

4. Increase the training and education opportunities for families to improve their skills.

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31 Jan 2025

Dotty G

What would a successful Child Poverty Strategy look like?

For me, a successful child poverty strategy would be a multi-faceted approach which would directly tackle low incomes, increase minimum wage, and increase benefits.

In addition to this, I think a successful child poverty strategy would also involve initiatives that would improve access to affordable housing, healthcare, education and childcare, all of which are factors that are, in my opinion, increasing child poverty in the UK at present.

In relation to this, a successful child poverty strategy, to me, would also need to explore and address the underlying causes of poverty in the first place - such as possibly providing financial literacy training and providing better employment opportunities for families on low incomes.

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31 Jan 2025

Edison P

January has been the Januaryiest of Januarys.

It being a five-week month means my assessment period for UC gets messed up, as I’m paid twice in the assessment period. This makes it look as if I earn double what I actually do. Because, God forbid, the government should rectify this issue in their beloved Universal Credit for those it affects.

Having a December birthday for my child also means January is a struggle, paying back credit cards and loans.

It just seems never ending at the moment, doom and gloom all around.

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31 Jan 2025

Edison P

What would a successful Child Poverty Strategy look like?

A strategy that actually worked, that actually was able to help people become better off to be able to give their children the life they deserve now and in the future. For the government to walk a mile in our shoes, for them to understand that what ‘they say’ we ‘can’ live on is actually not correct. To give parents a break or breathing space if something goes wrong. To know that there is help and support where it is actually needed and not being pawned off to anyone else.

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31 Jan 2025


What would a successful Child Poverty Strategy look like?

I think a good child poverty plan would allow children to have the best start in life. It would ensure they have food every day at school with their friends, helping parents with the extra costs of schooling, and providing support with uniform costs and external trips so that all children can have the same experiences, regardless of their background.

It would also prioritize ensuring families can feed their children a varied and healthy diet, as most healthy food is either too expensive or spoils quickly. Additionally, it would educate adults on how to provide a healthy diet and support their children’s education. I’m not after a handout, just a little help in the right places.

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31 Jan 2025

Mollie U

What would a successful Child Poverty Strategy look like?

A successful Child Poverty Strategy would have all children being safe-netted, so that no child would be left behind. Parents should never have to worry about their children's meals or uniform costs. Children with special education needs would be listened to, and parents shouldn't have to 'prove' themselves when they feel something is different about their child.

We need to make sure school is affordable- afterschool clubs cost too much money and children are being left behind because of it. Neither of my children can swim because I can only afford to take them to the leisure centre on an adhoc basis - swim lessons are either unavailable or too expensive. Clubs such as language clubs or artwork would help their development, but only a certain percentage of parents can afford it. We need to make funding pots accessible and available to those who need it, not hide them away in the small print.

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31 Jan 2025

Frankie W

What would a successful Child Poverty Strategy look like?

I asked my two children what would be the best thing about having slightly more money - not rich, I pointed out - and they said: "to be able to go on a holiday this year".

I asked my two children what the best thing would be about having slightly more money - not rich, I pointed out - and they said: "to be able to go on a holiday this year".

I think this is kind of key to what success looks like. The figures are absolutely important, but I think more people will *feel* the impact of a Child Poverty Strategy that delivers practical things. Part of that is obviously going to be financial (so you can afford a holiday for example - but this could be through easier to use versions of Help to Save designed for smaller savings goals perhaps), but in other cases it may be through extending free after-school clubs to every primary age child on Universal Credit, making childcare 100% reimbursed instead of 85%, or having free public transport for all under 18s.

I also think it's important that the Child Poverty Strategy interlinks with the priorities of government departments. Extending free school meals to all children on UC and free fruit in schools to all year groups will improve child nutrition. This would align with the Department of Health’s shift from care to prevention, as would a major expansion of Healthy Start vouchers to create a more holistic scheme for all children up to age 16.

In education, our most recent group discussion focused on how children on UC often miss out on learning a musical instrument. DCMS and DfE could collaborate on a new entitlement - starting with UC claimants but extending universally eventually - to ensure every child picks an instrument and is given free lessons for their entire school career. This fits with DCMS aims to broaden inclusive access to the arts. Evidence shows how learning an instrument has knock on positive effects for learning across subjects and DWP will be pleased that the increased demand for music tuition (during school hours and after but delivered in music hubs and in schools) would provide stable employment for many musicians. Free public transport for under 18s aligns with our climate goals for net zero.

Giving young people a permanent voice is important and could be a part of the Child Poverty Strategy. For example, I hope the British Youth Parliament representatives are being contacted for their input in the strategy. The British Youth Parliament should extend representation with formally organised elections in every constituency - via elections in every secondary (and primary, if feasible) school in the country and votes at 16 should be progressed too.

I also think it's important that the Child Poverty Strategy interlinks with the priorities of government departments. Extending free school meals to all children on UC and free fruit in schools to all year groups will improve child nutrition fitting in with DH's big shift from care to prevention, as would a major expansion of Healthy Start vouchers to become a more holistic scheme for all children up to age 16. In education our most recent group discussion focused on how children on UC often miss out on learning a musical instrument. DCMS and DfE could collaborate on a new entitlement - starting with UC claimants but extending universally eventually - to ensure every child picks an instrument and is given free lessons for their entire school career. This fits with DCMS aims to broaden inclusive access to the arts, evidence shows how learning an instrument has knock on positive effects for learning across subjects and DWP will be pleased that the increased demand for music tuition (during school hours and after but delivered in music hubs and in schools) would provide stable employment for many musicians. Free public transport for under 18s aligns with our climate goals for net zero.

Giving young people a permanent voice is important and could be a part of the Child Poverty Strategy. For example, I hope the British Youth Parliament representatives are being contacted for their input in the strategy. The British Youth Parliament should extend representation with formally organised elections in every constituency - via elections in every secondary (and primary, if feasible) school in the country and votes at 16 should be progressed too.

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31 Jan 2025

Isabella-rose S

What would a successful Child Poverty Strategy look like?

For me the child poverty strategy

is where no child goes hungry.

No family needs food banks one day.

Children thrive - no empty stomachs.

Parents can see their children smile .

Let the children be children - not make them adults before time.

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30 Jan 2025

Bessie J

Key messages you’d share about how we work together on Changing Realities?

Being able to share my personal experience of poverty without judgement helps me unload the stress.

I find it easier to type via the app as I struggle with my hearing. The anxiety of facing others often has me forgetting what I want to say or struggling to articulate without getting emotional. Being anonymous helps me keep what's left of my dignity.

The shame of being on a low income and receipt of benefits is ingrained in me. The stigma of benefit claiming has not gone away, and I found I am more isolated in the affluent -conservative MP- community .

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